Domini Hogg-Founder, Tried and Supplied
- Domini Hogg-Founder, Tried and Supplied's presentations
Domini spent two years selling loose-leaf tea to five-star hotels and Michelin star restaurants. She trained the tea experts in London’s most prestigious venues. Now she is the founder of her own business, Tried and Supplied, that connects food service buyers with niche, artisan suppliers difficult to find on Google.
Presentation title: Innovation, agility and sustainability in the food and drink supply chain
Talk synopsis: Consumers are becoming more demanding. They are forever on the lookout for something new and different and yet simultaneously insist upon ethical and sustainable standards being maintained. This creates a problem in the supply chain that food service buyers will need to address by adopting more agile methods of connecting and working with suppliers. How can the food service industry make better use of technology to support faster innovation and easy CSR compliance?
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