Leslie Berger- Agri-Food Sustainability Consultant , ADAS.

    • Leslie Berger- Agri-Food Sustainability Consultant , ADAS.'s presentations

    Leslie is an Agri-food Sustainability Consultant with over 25 years’ experience working with global agri-foodbusinesses to improve the efficiency and sustainability of their supply chains.  Leslie works  as part of an ADAS team of consultants with commercial clients such as Sainsbury’s, M&S, and Aldi, and with industry organisations such as WRAP and SAI Platform to help build more resilient raw material supply chains to reduce business risk. .  Her experience includes engaging with producers to assess supply chain opportunities and risks and advising food businesses on sustainability strategies for resource efficiency, waste reduction,water use, GHG reduction, and animal welfare.  Leslie leads on ADAS’s engagement with WRAP’sCourtauld signatories supporting their efforts to to find creative ways to reduce food waste at all stages in their supply chains.   Her work on food waste has included establishing strong links with food redistribution organisations to support clients’ overall food waste strategies.


    Presentation title:  Waste not, want not – The latest on food waste reduction initiatives

    Summary:Food waste is a sustainability disaster with negative environmental, economic, and social impacts. Producing food that is wasted puts pressure on water and other inputs potentially limiting availability of resources and increasing costs of production .  Food waste has social impacts as food that is wasted cannot reach those who need it to ensure a healthy diet. Food waste has risen to the top of the list of sustainability risks to be tackled with governments, commercial businesses, industry organisations and NGO’s joining together to agree targets and methods for improvement. Commercial businesses have an important role to play in supporting these ambitious food waste reduction targets.  This presentation will give an update on collaborative initiatives in place to address food waste, will outline some practical steps that may be taken at various stages in food supply chains to manage and reduce food waste, and will outline reasons why it makes good business sense to find ways to minimise food waste.


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